Or ArbelinAnima App5 reasons why you should use Anima with FigmaFigma is one of the best design tools today. If you are a designer reading this, chances are you’re using Figma.Jan 3, 20211Jan 3, 20211
Or ArbelinAnima AppSolving the ‘production-ready’ code dilemmaDesign-to-development is where developers’ souls get crushed in unrewarding grunt work, and designers’ souls get crushed as their design…Nov 3, 20201Nov 3, 20201
Or ArbelinAnima AppProduction-ready Code vs. Developer-friendly CodeLessons learned from building a design-to-code platformOct 23, 2019Oct 23, 2019
Or ArbelinAnima AppThe 6 levels of Front-end Development AutomationAnima is automating front-end development. As a part of our research and development, we’re discovering insights that are crucial to the…May 14, 2019May 14, 2019
Or ArbelinHackerNoon.comThe 6 levels of Front-end Development AutomationAnima is automating front-end development. As a part of our research and development, we’re discovering insights that are crucial to the…May 13, 2019May 13, 2019
Or ArbelinHackerNoon.comReact and The Mythical Man-MonthComponent-based Development vs Cotton PickingAug 29, 20173Aug 29, 20173
Or ArbelinHackerNoon.comAutomation will end Front-end Development“Everything that can be automated will be automated” — Zuboff’s LawJun 14, 20175Jun 14, 20175
Or ArbelThe canteen-man principle“The more responsibility a person is given, the more responsible they become.”Aug 23, 2016Aug 23, 2016
Or ArbelNotifications — The good, the bad and the irrelevantThoughts about what people like getting as notifications, and what not.Nov 13, 20151Nov 13, 20151
Or ArbelFinding the right people for the teamBuilding the team is the most difficult tasks when building a company. It’s a process, it takes time, usually months. Throwing together a…Oct 14, 2014Oct 14, 2014